I’m pleased to announce, that a public beta of Posterino v4 is available now!
Square-Grid Layouts
- Drop your images on the document background: Distribute image on the free space available on your document
- The Square-Grid layout features a set of drop options depending on the mouse position on top or between the squares. Just move your drag objects around a bit to discover the different options.
- On the window toolbar there are two new action: Scale Down and Scale Up. Use these to scale your Square Grid document to hold more or less free spaces and thereby images.
License & Upgrades
- The app is fully functional, if you try to export or share a document, the shop will pop up. These are no real purchases yet! Just choose what looks good and proceed to your export. Since the purchase is not real, the information will be lost when you quit Posterino.
- If you are a long time Posterino user you can do me a favor and verify that the license upgrade system is working for you. Please have a look at Posterino > License… > Upgrade Offer and verify that you can enable an upgrade offer using your current App Store purchase of Posterino or a license you bought on my web-site.
Beta Limitations
- English is currently the only user interface language supported
- The online help document is sill for Posterino 3