Today Posterino is a featured application — with a 20% discount — on MacSanta. If you have been putting off purchasing a license to Posterino, or you’d like to stuff somebody’s stocking, today is the day! Especially if you have a look at our Zykloid Gifts.

So starting now, the coupon code MACSANTA07 will give you a 20% discount at our online store on all our software products! But hurry, this deal lasts just one day!
Alongside a bunch of other great applications of independent Mac software vendors had featured deals. Developers like Advenio, CocoaTech, Flying Meat, Karelia Software, MemoryMiner, Potion Factory, Rogue Amoeba or SmileOnMyMac, to name just a few.
Even if you’ve missed the featured day with a 20% discount, you can still get a 10% discount by using MACSANTA07TEN as your coupon code for any of the companies found on this ever-growing list.
Help spread the word about MacSanta by digging it or featuring it on your blog!
Happy Holidays!