Today we released Posterino 1.1. The new build features: sending of real postcards right from within Posterino and uploading of images to your Flickr account.
If you like to give it a try, use the automatic software update build into Posterino (choose the “Software Update…” item from the “Posterino” menu) or – if the software update should fail – use the link below:
Changes since the last release (v1.0.2):
– [NEW] Send real postcards (!) right from within Posterino.
– [NEW] Upload images to Flickr right from within Posterino.
– [NEW] New template ‘Twisted Post’.
– [NEW] Added “Keyboard Shortcuts” and “FAQ” menu items to the “Help” menu.
– [NEW] Now there are toolbar buttons for every available export operation. Choose “Customize Toolbar…” from the “View” menu to choose an individual export operation toolbar button for your toolbar.
– [CHANGED] All export and mail options are grouped in an “Export” sub menu in the “File” menu. “Create Poster” has changed into “Export” and has moved from the “Poster” menu to the “Export” sub menu in the “File” menu.
– [CHANGED] Updated user interface and online help to reflect the new features.
Find out more about Posterino under: